My Drugstore Make-up Picks #1

Hello again! I'm actually here with another post, which comes as a surprise to me, I didn't think I'd have one up so soon, ~round of applause~

I'm aiming to get a post up every Sunday so if you're actually interested in seeing what I'm posting, then be sure to be back every Sunday for something new.

Lets not ramble any further and get into what you've actually clicked to see, My Drugstore Make-up Picks part one, in no particular order, let me add.

Firstly, concealer. Now I doubt this is a surprise to anyone, but it's the trusty Collection Lasting perfection. I have very pale skin, so yes, I use shade 1, but also recently discovered shade 0, which is a new shade to their collection. I haven't yet tried it, but can trust that it'll be amazing!

This retails for £4.19 which is so inexpensive for something to this quality.

Secondly, we have foundation. I have quite a few favourite foundations but I managed to get it down to my 2 favourites, one liquid and one powder.
My favourite liquid foundation, is the Maybelline Dream Satin Liquid in the shade Light Porcelain. They actually have 20+ shades of this product, so hopefully something to suit all! This has quite a dewy finish and leaves your skin looking reasonably glowy, so you can't complain! It is Medium coverage, so it does cover my blemishes and redness very well!

This retails for £7.99.

Next up, I've got Max Factor Facefinity Compact foundation in the shade 01 Porcelain. I actually usually put this on top of my Dream Satin Liquid foundation as, personally, it makes my skin look a lot more clear, with a really smooth coverage. I only wear this *on the rare occasion* that I actually go out to a restaurant or for an occasion. This product comes with a small sponge to use for application which I find is really handy too!

This retails for £11.99, which I think is amazing for the amount of use that I get out of it. I would insert a picture of the produce opened, but I have to admit that my sponge isn't the cleanest of sponges and I wouldn't want to embarrass myself like that on the internet just yet.

Moving on, we have powder. I've got to say I love the Rimmel Stay Matte but my recent discovery is the Rimmel Clear Complexion powder in transparent. I haven't got much to say about this, it does exactly what a powder is meant to do, and it's only £3.99!!
Unfortunately mine is currently smashed, but thankfully it isn't expensive so it's not too upsetting, haha. But here's a sad picture of my smashed powder if you want to get a jist of the packaging shenanigans.

Not the most aesthetically pleasing picture you've ever seen...

Lastly, we have blusher. I'm not a big blusher lover, but my favourite has to be the Bourjois Little Round Pot blush, in the shade Rose D'or 34. This is the cutest little blush, and such a perfect size so can squeeze into any little bag. It also comes with a little brush which makes the application so much more simple, in my opinion that is, I'm no make-up geek, and I'm not the best at it either, but it works for me so hay ho. It's just so compact and comes with a small mirror too, you just can't complain! It blends really well and gives your skin such a radiant look.
This product retails for £6.49. 

This is where I'm going to end this post. I feel like I just talk on and on and I'm not sure how long people generally read into a post until they get bored..hopefully I haven't bored you already and you're actually reading up until this point, if you are, thank you (!!!), you're great!!

I'm going to pick this up in a part 2 at some point, showing you my favourite Mascaras, Highlighter, Brow products, and also the brushes that I use, simply because I didn't want this post to be as long as this.

So if you have read up until here, then again, thank you!! And I'll see you in next weeks post (if I can actually keep this up, lets cross our fingers!)



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